Project Urjaswa (The Energy Transformation by Municipal Solid Waste Treatment)

Urjasav (Plasma) is ionized gas energized to the point where electrons are Freed from their atoms or molecules.

Urjasav (Plasma) is one of the four fundamental states of matter, the others being solid, liquid, and gas. It can simply be considered as a gaseous mixture of negatively charged electrons and highly charged positive ions, being created by heating a gas or by subjecting gas to a strong electromagnetic field

It’s a state of matter similar to gas in which a certain portion of the particles are ionized. The basic premise is that heating a gas dissociates its molecular bonds, rendering it into its constituent atoms. Further heating leads to ionization (a loss of electrons), turning it into plasma, containing charged particles, positive ions and negative electrons.

In Urjasav (Plasma), the temperatures and densities range from relatively cool and tenuous to very hot and Dense (central core of a star).Ordinary solids, liquids, and gases are both electrically neutral and too cool or dense to be in a plasma state. Urjasav (Plasma) consists of a collection of free-moving electrons and ions – atoms that have lost electrons. Energy is needed to strip electrons from atoms to make Urjasav (Plasma). The energy can be of various origins: thermal, electrical, or light (ultraviolet light or intense visible light from a laser). With insufficient sustaining power, Urjasav (Plasma) recombine into neutral gas.

We created the technology that can extract electricity from Municipal Solid Waste, Plastic Waste and Bio-Waste)

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