How your heavy Food builds (Carbon Dioxide) and Air Pollution together Makes in Our Body Anaerobic Respiration Process. Which Cause In Our Body Like High Blood Pressure, Brain Damage , Cardiac Arrest , Muscle Injuries and Other Diseases.

Feeling Sleepy,Sluggish, Lethargic all the time that means Anaerobic respiration taking place in the body. Anaerobic respiration process starts in the body due to lack of oxygen. Through the Respiration system the body builds energy. There are two types of respirations. Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration. When we inhale with full of oxygen the oxygen in our body with glucose reaction builds carbon dioxide with H2O and we release with exhale carbon dioxide.This call Aerobic Respiration Process. Now lets understand what is Anaerobic Respiration Process when we inhale low oxygen or Polluted Air with Carbon dioxide (CO2) Because of the shortage of Oxygen the Carbon dioxide with Glucose reaction builds in the body ethanol.In this process our tissues concentrate more carbon dioxide. When we eat more fried food, drinks alcohol and eats more sweets in the air polluted environment. That time our body gets sick more as Alcohol builds in the body ethanol, sugar builds more more glucose and heavy food due to shortage of oxygen the glucose in the body builds more lactic acid and which cause body with spending of higher amounts of energy like muscle cramps, High Blood Pressure, Cardiac Arrest, Brain Damage and other Organs issues. This call Anaerobic Respiration. Anaerobic respiration works faster with our bad food when we eat more heavy food like full of fat, fried, full sugar and alcohol.That time our body makes anaerobic respiration processes. During the air pollution or in winters eat less fried, chicken, beef, sugar and no consumption of alcohol can keep you away from the uninvited health issues. This is the reason why you feel sluggish, lethargic, lazy and sleepy all the time due to high carbon dioxide outside of the body and inside of the body. This is the reason these days mostly people suffering with mental health issues due to less oxygen on the brain and dryness. Anaerobic Respiration may increase in the body the high level of cortisol hormones . Which leads human towards anxiety, stress and depression.

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